Overview of the latest developments -
Global Oil Supply and Demand -
Trends in Tanker Trade, Supply and Demand -
Bunker Fuel Market update -
Oil Tanker Market Developments and Outlook -
Comparison with FFAs -
Annual Presentation -
Report Data Tables -

Global Economic Outlook -
World Oil Supply, Demand and Consumption -
Analysis of Tanker Trade, Supply and Demand -
Bunker Fuel Market update -
Recent Developments and Outlook of Bunker Prices -
Analysis and outlook for tanker freight rates -
Annual Presentation -
Report Data Tables -

Global Economic Outlook -
World Oil Supply, Demand and Consumption -
Analysis of Tanker Trade, Supply and Demand -
Bunker Fuel Market update -
Recent Developments and Outlook of Bunker Prices -
Analysis and outlook for tanker freight rates -
Annual Presentation -
Report Data Tables -

Overview of the latest VLGC market developments -
LPG Trade Developments -
LPG Consumption and Production -
Insight into Product Price Developments and Arbitrage Opportunities -
Assessment of Freight Rates and Earnings -
Latest Developments in the LPG Shipping Sector -
Annual Presentation -
Report Data Tables -

Overview of the latest developments -
Global Oil Supply and Demand -
Trends in Tanker Trade, Supply and Demand -
Bunker Fuel Market update Oil Tanker Market Developments and Outlook Comparison with FFAs Annual Presentation Report Data Tables

Global Economic Outlook -
World LPG Production and Consumption -
World seaborne LPG and other gas trades -
World Chemical gas and Ammonia trades -
LPG carrier demand and supply -
LPG carrier prices and operating costs -
LPG carrier spot and time charter rates development and outlook -
Annual Presentation -
Report Data Tables -

Global Economic Outlook -
World Oil Supply, Demand and Consumption -
Analysis of Tanker Trade, Supply and Demand -
Bunker Fuel Market update -
Recent Developments and Outlook of Bunker Prices -
Analysis and outlook for tanker freight rates -
Annual Presentation -
Report Data Tables -

Main Economic Indicators and Oil Prices -
Chemical Carrier Demand- Fully Quantified for Each Year in the Forecast -
Chemical Carrier Supply; Specifically Vessels Actually Trading and Likely to Trade in the Sector, including Forecasts of Annual Deliveries and Removals -
Quantified Supply and Demand Balances for Each Year in the Forecast -
Assessments and Forecasts of Earnings and Freight Rates on a Route by Route Basis -
Forecasts of Product Carrier Earnings Comprehensive Information and Assessments of Individual Chemical Plant Developments Supply and Demand for Each Main Product by Country/Area Detailed Data and Forecasts of Chemicals and Trades by Product, Product Group, and By Country/Area and Route Monthly Trade Bulletins Annual Presentation Report Data Tables Global Chemicals Trade Data

Main Economic Indicators and Oil Prices -
Chemical Carrier Demand- Fully Quantified for Each Year in the Forecast -
Chemical Carrier Supply; Specifically Vessels Actually Trading and Likely to Trade in the Sector, including Forecasts of Annual Deliveries and Removals -
Quantified Supply and Demand Balances for Each Year in the Forecast -
Assessments and Forecasts of Earnings and Freight Rates on a Route by Route Basis -
Forecasts of Product Carrier Earnings -
Comprehensive Information and Assessments of Individual Chemical Plant Developments -
Supply and Demand for Each Main Product by Country/Area -
Detailed Data and Forecasts of Chemicals and Trades by Product, Product Group, and By Country/Area and Route -
Monthly Trade Bulletins -
Annual Presentation -
Report Data Tables Global Chemicals Trade Data

Main Economic Indicators and Oil Prices -
Chemical Carrier Demand- Fully Quantified for Each Year in the Forecast -
Chemical Carrier Supply; Specifically Vessels Actually Trading and Likely to Trade in the Sector, including Forecasts of Annual Deliveries and Removals -
Quantified Supply and Demand Balances for Each Year in the Forecast -
Assessments and Forecasts of Earnings and Freight Rates on a Route by Route Basis -
Forecasts of Product Carrier Earnings -
Comprehensive Information and Assessments of Individual Chemical Plant Developments -
Supply and Demand for Each Main Product by Country/Area -
Detailed Data and Forecasts of Chemicals and Trades by Product, Product Group, and By Country/Area and Route -
Monthly Trade Bulletins -
Annual Presentation -
Report Data Tables -
Global Chemicals Trade Data -
Global Chemicals Trade Data -